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ContentTECH Summit


WHEN June 8-10, 2021
WHERE Digital Event

The effective use of content and technology will help us navigate and bring stability to the chaotic and unpredictable marketing world we’re living in. If we learned anything in the past 12 months, it’s that we need to be ready for what the world throws at us.

Robust technology and better processes will help your strategic efforts to create, manage, deliver and scale your enterprise content and provide your customers with better digital experiences.

And ContentTECH Summit can help you.

Join us to learn how new technologies and innovative processes are fundamentally changing what our work will look like in the next two to five years. Attendees of the 2021 ContentTECH conference will learn from practitioners and experts in content technology and marketing strategy. Speakers and attendees are trailblazing pioneers who have set the bar for epic content marketing through technology.

Why ContentTECH Summit?

It’s time for an evolution. Senior marketing executives are truly focused on one thing: technology and its effective use to create, manage, deliver, and scale enterprise content and marketing. ContentTECH Summit wants to stay ahead of pace for and with industry leaders in an effort to push our entire community forward.

Who should register?

VPs, senior directors and directors in marketing, digital marketing, marketing innovation, marketing technology, demand generation, marketing operations, customer advocacy, customer experience, and ecommerce, as well as CMOs, CDOs, CTOs, CCOs, and anyone else working at the convergence point of content, technology and strategy.

What will be answered?

The biggest questions you have: How do we ensure our business is using or preparing for the right content and marketing technology innovations? How do we fill our customers’ needs for epic experiences? How do we use content and technology to help us in the ever-changing marketing landscape? How do we sort through the thousands of opportunities available to us?

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