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English courts given green light to set terms of global FRAND licences


On 26 August 2020, the UK Supreme Court (英国证券交易委员会)给了它热切期待的判断在里面未知数星球v华为精通v Huawei & ZTE. 在一项政策驱动的一致裁决中,法院驳回了华为和中兴的上诉,确认英国法院可能会对标准基本专利组合设定全球许可条款。本文简要回顾了这两个长期案件的背景,概述了英国科学委员会的主要调查结果,并考虑了判决对未来标准基本专利许可的影响。背景The不知情的精通这些案例涉及英国专利,这些专利是欧洲电信标准协会(europeantelecommunications standards Institute)制定的标准所必需的(ETSI公司). Patents of this kind are known as standard essential patents (SEPs公司). 根据ETSI知识产权政策,此类专利的所有者有义务以公平、合理和非歧视性的条款对其进行许可(弗兰德)条款。在不知情的,两项Unwired Planet的专利被发现是有效的,对ETSI标准至关重要。在2016年FRAND审判之后,Birss法官认为Unwired Planet根据FRAND条款进行许可的义务作为合同事项在英国法院可强制执行。他还决定,如果SEPs的实施者(i)被发现侵犯了有效的英国专利,并且(ii)拒绝按照法院认定为FRAND的条款获得许可证,那么SEPs的实施者将面临禁令。他还认为,如果SEP所有者拥有庞大的全球投资组合,而实施者在全球运营,合理的各方会就全球范围的许可达成一致。华为向上诉法院提出上诉,然后又向UKSC提出上诉。像Unwired Planet一样,Conversant是一家知识产权许可公司,为专利使用费收入发放专利许可。在Birss J在2007年做出判决后,该公司在英国对华为和中兴提起了专利侵权诉讼不知情的. 被告对管辖权提出异议,包括基于英国不是合适的法院。卡尔法官一审驳回了被告对管辖权的质疑,华为和中兴向上诉法院提起上诉。这些上诉被驳回,两名被告都向最高法院提出上诉。UKSC的方法The UKSC first set out the legal and factual background to the disputes. It devoted a significant proportion of the early part of its judgment to considering the broad commercial context in which the disputes arose, and noted that the appeals raised a number of issues which are important to the global market in mobile communications. The UKSC used the introductory part of the judgment to review the development of that market and to discuss the tension between the fact that technology incorporated in communications devices is often covered by patent rights (which are primarily national) and the need for such devices to interoperate on an international basis. The Court explained the role of Standard Setting Organisations (SSOs) in developing standards to further the development and deployment of advanced technologies and summarised how such organisations have sought to find a suitable balance between the need to ensure that: (i) patented technology which is essential to make standard-compliant products is available to those who wish to use it; and (ii) those who own such essential technology are fairly rewarded. The Court was clear that, in its view, “[a] 在sep的实施者和所有者的利益之间实现公平的平衡是ETSI合同安排的中心目标”.It is very clear that the UKSC’s interpretation of the contractual arrangements in the ETSI IPR Policy and its overall approach to the issues under appeal were significantly influenced by the context in which the ETSI IPR Policy had been developed and by the overall commercial and policy considerations.英国科学委员会的主要发现

  1. 英国法庭管辖权,可以设置的条款a global FRAND licence?


  1. 熟悉案例中的适当论坛

The论坛便利doctrine requires the English court to decide whether it or a suggested foreign court with jurisdiction is the more appropriate forum for determining a dispute. The UKSC held that no alternative forum was available in the精通case, since it was not clear that the Chinese courts – the only alternative courts suggested by the defendants – would accept jurisdiction to set the terms of a global FRAND licence. The defendants’ forum challenge thus failed “在第一个栏”.

  1. The non-discrimination element of FRAND

英国最高法院维持了下级法院的调查结果不知情的that the non-discrimination element of FRAND under the ETSI IPR Policy is ‘general’ rather than ‘hard-edged’ in nature. In other words, a SEP owner is required to offer only an objectively determined royalty rate based on the value of the portfolio, and that rate does not cease to be FRAND if the SEP owner has previously granted a licence on more favourable terms. In rejecting the concept of hard-edged non-discrimination, the UKSC noted that differential pricing is common in practice and can be economically rational. In its view, any anti-competitive effects arising from price discrimination are best dealt with as a matter of competition law.

  1. Abuse of dominance and the Huawei v ZTE framework


  1. 补救措施-损害赔偿是否足以替代禁令?

华为曾辩称,对SEP侵权的更适当和相称的补救措施是损害赔偿,这是基于对被侵权英国专利的许可证合理约定的特许权使用费。英国证监会不同意,认为损害赔偿金不足以替代禁令。在它看来,如果SEP的拥有者被限制在一种金钱上的补救措施,那么实施者将不得不an incentive to continue infringing until, patent by patent, and country by country, they were compelled to pay royalties”.Further, SEP owners could not use the threat of an injunction to charge excessive fees or obtain undue leverage in negotiations, since they “除非他们提出按照法院认为公平、合理和非歧视性的条款许可他们的专利,否则不能强制执行他们的权利”.判决的含义紧随着德国联邦法院的判决西斯维尔诉海尔第九巡回法庭的判决FTC诉高通公司,英国证券交易委员会的判决是一系列基本上有利于SEP所有者的裁决中的最新判决。然而,UKSC的非歧视方法表明,SEP所有者可以以较低的价格向特定实施者提供定制交易,而不会不可避免地向所有参与者提供同等交易。这种对谈判灵活性的认可,以及对特许权使用费调整机制在某些情况下可能是适当的认识,可能会受到实施者和SEP所有者的欢迎。判决证实了华为诉中兴框架是强制性的,也鼓励谈判具有一定程度的灵活性。然而,SEP所有者在偏离公认的许可做法之前,应仔细考虑。就像华为诉中兴统治与国家European Commission Communication on SEPs,英国证监会的判决强调了一般商业惯例的重要性,并承认FRAND延伸到双方协商许可证过程的公平性。英国证券交易委员会的决定并不一定意味着每一个英国法院确定的SEP许可证都必须是全球性的。这个不知情的该案的事实,尤其包括Unwired Planet的投资组合范围以及华为的销售和制造足迹。其他国家的法院是否会袖手旁观,让英国法院在弗兰德问题上扮演全球裁判的角色,还有待观察。正如英国最高法院在判决书第84段中所说,外国法院既没有拒绝全球许可证可能是FRAND的观点,也没有排除设定全球许可证条款的可能性。我们可能会看到更多的SEP所有者和实现者之间的竞争。实施者可能更频繁地决定在其他论坛采取先发制人的行动,这些论坛被怀疑在FRAND问题上采取对实施者更友好的方法,也许寻求FRAND费率的确定,即使他们还没有被起诉专利侵权。同时,反诉讼禁令(甚至反诉讼禁令)可能成为SEP诉讼格局中更突出的特征。

帕特·特雷西, Bristows LLP 埃德温·邦德,布里斯托
帕特·特雷西 埃德温债券
Pat Treacy是Bristows LLP的合伙人,Edwin Bond是合伙人。布里斯托代表中兴通讯精通并代表三星和谷歌无线星球案件(一审前双方和解)。它还代表其他几家公司处理与FRAND和SEPs有关的事务。本文所表达的观点是个人观点,并不一定代表布里斯托或其客户的观点。



