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If you're a director/head/SVP/C-level from a financial institution, you can attend FinovateWest Digital for free!

一个社区,为银行、信用合作社surance/reinsurance companies and investment companies to foster business relationships with the most senior industry players and create environments for networking and peer-led benchmarking.

Who qualifies?
Who qualifies?

If you're a director/head/SVP/C-level from a financial institution, you can attend FinovateWest Digital for free!

Join us to engage in rich conversations and learnings that will help change the landscape of financial services as we know it.

What to expect
What to expect

To help you maximize every minute at FinovateWest, we've designed a schedule of events and personal introductions. This personalized program will help you make new contacts, discover new international solutions and surround yourself with people who inspire you the most. We'll ensure you meet the right people and build long-term symbiotic relationships with potential partners and customers.

Why the Finovate Leadership Program?

Smart networking
Smart networking

Join 1100+ senior financial and banking executives, venture capitalists, fintechs, industry analysts, bloggers, regulators and entrepreneurs.

With lots of dedicated networking time and a smart matchmaking app, it’s never been easier to start a conversation with the right person.

Curated 1:1 meetings
Curated 1:1 meetings

The cornerstone of Finovate's networking services are the curated 1:1 meetings. These are bespoke, pre-arranged meetings especially designed to reduce the time you spend on selecting new partners, to forge new relationships for future projects and enable a better understanding of connected technology.

Power hours
Power hours

Our innovative format allows you to meet with multiple senior executives in order to discuss current projects and future challenges in a relaxed and informal way. You will be joined by specially selected fintech leaders, speakers, analysts and solution providers.

The power hours will be run under the Chatham House Rule (participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of anyone present may be revealed) to encourage free discussion of key industry challenges in an open and collaborative environment.

What else is included

Your Finovate Leadership Program pass also gives you full access to everything FinovateWest Digital has to offer . . .

Cutting-edge demos live
Cutting-edge demos live

Stay ahead on fintech innovation. 30+ demoing companies will show you their latest financial services innovations live. Each handpicked company has just 7 minutes – with no slides or video allowed - to showcase how the technology works and why your organisation needs it. Topics include investment, wealth management, identity authentication, compliance and regulation, personalized banking, loyalty and rewards, and much more.

Who's demoing?
Hear from innovators shaping your sector
Hear from innovators shaping your sector

120+ industry experts will cover innovations from all spheres of financial services.

With an unparalleled range of viewpoints and perspectives from across the fintech ecosystem, FinovateWest is the place to see and hear practical applications of the latest technologies.

View agenda

Register now!

Your Finovate VIP manager will strive to provide you with a truly exceptional tailor-made experience. Helping you build long term symbiotic relationships is our key focus.

The Finovate Leadership Program is open to all director/head/SVP/C-level executives from financial institutions.