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Roche在中国拥有良好的业务,并继续加强对该地区研发的承诺。罗氏制药合作全球负责人詹姆斯·萨布里(James Sabry)讨论了罗氏在发现科学突破、加速创新研究、与利益相关者合作以及满足中国和世界各地未满足的医疗需求方面的做法。亚博游戏城

问:你认为我们年代的破纪录的经济增长een in recent years in the biotech industry will continue or do you think it will taper off?



Q. Will you pursue more cross-border partnerships in the future to further leverage this momentum?

答。Our main aim is to access great science, which could include scientists anywhere in academia and the private sector. We are currently managing over 220 partnerships across the globe and are continuously looking for groundbreaking innovation globally that complements our own pipeline across all我们的主要治疗领域探索有潜力提供开创性治疗的未知领域。我们肯定看到亚洲出现了一些优秀的科学。


Q、 在创新生物技术产品和技术方面,中国目前的环境如何?

In China, innovation is still in early stages, but it’s with high growth potential. Roche's strong presence in China, and our significant investments in our Roche Innovation Center Shanghai, underscore the importance of China for the global economy and as a growth market in healthcare.

Strong government and private funding support of the life sciences is helping growth of the biotechnology industry, and new innovative treatment approaches like for example significantly advanced CAR-T approaches. Overall, the future looks promising for R&D, and the number of innovative drugs introduced is likely to increase.

Q. We are seeing the rise of immunotherapies, cell therapies, digital health and AI tools, among other technologies. What areas are of interest to Roche?


At Roche, we

  • 不断努力获得对潜在疾病生物学的更好理解。与我们的合作伙伴一起,我们正在探索有潜力提供开拓性治疗的未知领域。例如,这包括我们与Spark和Sarepta在基因治疗方面的合作,以及我们与Adaptive和BioNTech在细胞治疗方面的合作。
  • are expanding our range of modalities to make pioneering medicines against new or previously unreachable targets with partnerships like for example with Vividion, Arrakis, Bicycle or Nimble.
  • are closely working together with biotechs, governments, regulatory bodies, etc., towards a reality where data, technologies and analytics routinely enable better treatment development and healthcare delivery decision making, from accelerating drug discovery and development and to enabling better patient care. Some of our most recently announced partnerships in this area are with Harman and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Q. For Western companies interested in expanding in China, what guidance can you provide as they consider different types of transactions?

A、 罗氏合作战略的一个关键成功因素是我们的创业、科学驱动的文化和数十亚博游戏城年的经验,使我们能够与那些分享我们为患者带来突破性解决方案的人建立持久的伙伴关系。我们仔细听取潜在合作伙伴的意见,然后共同建立合作结构,这样才能满足双方的需求,为所有相关方创造双赢局面。我们恭敬地与合作伙伴携手合作,希望建立一种遵循伟大理念和伟大科学的关系,这种关系有可能产生长期影响,而不是短期收益。在与其他文化合作时,欣赏彼此的优势、流程和组织文化是至关重要的。

Q. Are you seeing new business models that can facilitate the growth of cross-border deals?

答。While the majority of collaborations are still the classic in-and out-licensing development agreements, we have seen recently some different collaboration approaches like for example midsize to large biotech companies acquiring a stake in Chinese companies leveraging the local development and commercialization expertise to gain fast and better access to the China market.

Q、 上海罗氏创新中心成立于2004年,位于上海张江高科技园区,为罗氏公司在该地区的发展提供了良好的基础。这是如何使你区别于其他跨国公司和中国生物制药公司的?

A、 上海罗氏创新中心体现了罗氏对创新的承诺和我们在中国的研发活动,为中国患者带来更快的治疗:

  • 我们是最早在中国建立起从研发、生产到销售、营销的完整医药价值链的(外国)公司之一,也是第一家在上海建立完全自主研发中心的跨国医药公司。
  • Established in 2007, Roche Pharma Product Development Shanghai is one of the five product development sites of Roche Pharma worldwide driving and accelerating the late phase clinical development and registration of innovative drugs in China.
  • 作为医药研发的先驱,我们致力于中国的创新,为中国和世界。截至2019年9月底,上海罗氏创新中心已提交专利申请220余件,其中已授予专利121件。四种用于治疗慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染的临床化合物已进入I期临床试验。
  • 2015年,我们投资8.63亿元人民币在上海建立了创新中心,以加强我们在中国的研发活动,旨在解决亚洲和世界各地传染病、免疫学和炎症疾病患者未满足的需求。新的创新中心于2019年10月落成,拥有约150名致力于药物发现和新药早期临床开发的科学家,其中90%以上是中国本土专家。随着一个全新的世界级研究中心的发展,罗氏的努力将继续加强与当地合作伙伴和政府机构的合作,并迅速将科学转化为适合中国患者的药物。

Q、 创新中心可以帮助促进哪些类型的合作?

A、 罗氏致力于在研究和早期开发中进一步培养与外部合作伙伴的关系,通过与以下方面的合作促进合作:

  • 许多领先的中外学术机构、生物技术公司和研究机构推动中国的药物研究和转化医学。
  • local research institutions and help attract top research talents from both China and overseas.
  • China plays a vital role in the global strategy of Roche. We're committed to further strengthen Shanghai as an important strategic global center of Roche.

Q、 罗氏在中国和全球的生物制药和生命科学生态系统中扮演什么角色?

答。Roche is the world’s largest biotech company and has a unique combination of strengths with its leading portfolio of therapies, expertise in medicine, diagnostics, biology, data-science and its strong established partnerships with world-leading companies such as Spark Therapeutics, Flatiron Health and Foundation Medicine.



Q、 中国有哪些独特的机遇和挑战?

A、 随着经济的持续增长和医疗改革的进一步推进,中国的医药行业将继续增长:

  • Building up China’s entrepreneurial and innovative capabilities is one of the government’s key focus areas and the urge to innovate is unprecedented.
  • 中国对高端医疗服务和产品以及治疗癌症等慢性病的先进医疗设备的需求在过去几年迅速增长,以应对巨大的未满足的医疗需求。
  • 中国医改培育创新,目标是为患者提供负担得起、可获得的医疗服务。我们看到了一个非常积极的发展,特别是在过去几年中,创新药物的批准和偿还速度加快。我们对我们的长期增长前景充满信心,我们将更快地在中国推出更多创新产品,让更多的中国患者受益。
  • 另一方面,市场正朝着更可持续的方向发展,目标是以重视和鼓励创新的价位供应价格合理、质量高的药品。
  • 企业需要加快投资组合的转变,同时调整opo的商业模式。


Q、 早期的公司如何才能最好地接近罗氏,寻找合作伙伴的机会?

答。We fastidiously scour the latest developments in science around the world to identify the most promising products and technologies. If partners are interested in collaborating with us, we invite them to get in contact with us at one of the upcoming partnering conferences. In addition to our participation inChinaBio® Partnering Forum,我们也期待加入其他会议,例如BIO-Europe®十月。此外,我们鼓励潜在的合作伙伴访问our Roche Pharma Partnering website了解更多我们感兴趣的领域并填写联系我们表格to provide us more background information on the partnering opportunity.


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Biotech Showcase

11 - 15 Jan 2021,美国太平洋标准时间