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Can payment models for gene therapies evolve fast enough to keep up?


Jeremy Schafer,药学博士,工商管理硕士,高级副总裁,价值的精确性



Clearly new payment models will be needed. In 2018, our organization conducted market research amongst 20 health plans and 5 integrated delivery networks on perceptions of gene therapy and payment models. The information was presented at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy 2018 spring meeting. Respondents were asked about their interest in alternative payment models and the operational capacity to implement them. Outcomes contracting, where less, or nothing, would be paid if the drug didn’t work, was most popular with 56% being very or extremely interested and 88% confident they could operationalize the agreement. Distribution through a specialty pharmacy in order to eliminate provider/hospital upcharge was second with 44% very or extremely interested and 92% able to implement. Annuity payments, where payments would be remitted over time versus all at once, garnered interest from 16%, with 72% believing that such an agreement could be made operational. Respondents proposed a number of other potential payment mechanisms including payment over time that would follow the patient (in case he or she switched health plans), placing such patients in high-risk pools, paying for gene therapy like a plan would pay for end stage renal disease, and even requiring a treated patient to stay with the health plan. The number of proposals was encouraging in that it indicates the industry is thinking, but the lack of consistency shows there is still a long way to go.

The healthcare industry needs to begin experimenting with longer-term payment models and building incentives for improved long-term health. The market forces will require health plans to continue to focus on short-term financial performance, but a few goals that focus on improvement in patient long-term health and reduced future expenses can be piloted. Manufacturers should spend time developing different payment models for gene therapy with a focus on what is operationally possible for their customers.



弗拉玛。药品开发for cell therapy and gene therapy. 2018. Accessed January 18, 2019.

福布斯。Novartis' $4 million gene therapy—real price or a negotiation ploy?Nov 13, 2018. Accessed January 18, 2019.

今天的新闻。#AAN2018-试验显示,使用AVXS-101治疗的1型SMA婴儿取得了新的里程碑. April 24, 2018. Accessed January 18, 2019.



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