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[WEBCAST] Seafarers' Mental Health: Learnings from walking a mile in their shoes

[WEBCAST] Seafarers' Mental Health: Learnings from walking a mile in their shoes

Social isolation, restriction of rights and life-style, confinement, dependability on the internet, not being able to celebrate events with friends and family - we have all had varying degrees of these experiences in the past few months.

For some of us, this is our first time having these experiences. For a seafarer, this is the normal.

Watch this special edition of the CrewConnect Webinar Series where an expert panel discuss seafarers, support, and solutions.


  • Amid growing concerns about mental health and wellbeing, what should support and provisions for seafarers look like?

  • How have the people in charge of making life better for seafarers reacted? Is there a greater appreciation for seafarer conditions and mental health?

  • Solutions - what is going to change?


  • Ben Bailey (Director of Advocacy and Regional Engagement, The Mission to Seafarers)

  • Sandra Welch (CEO, Seafarers Hospital Society), Rebecca Hayes Mejia

  • Public Health Manager , Marine Benefits

  • Johan Smith (Wellness at Sea)

  • Caitlin Vaughan (Project Manager, ISWAN)

  • Ann-Kristin Siewert (Owners Representative, Interorient Shipmanagement)

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