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How Elbow Bumps, Initiative & Remote V-Tech Became a Force Multiplier for Customer Success

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It was a cold Tuesday in early March 2020. A group of folks were gathering in little known Chicopee, MA to spark discussion on being better leaders and how to find joy for ourselves and in turn our customers. Appropriately Rich Sheridan kicked off our last day together inspiring thoughts on how we could bring our most joyful selves to work. Few of us knew that this was going to be one of our last in person collaborations for a while; even fewer knew that they would be responding to concerns from people who would experience unprecedented market volatility in the coming days.

But this is exactly what happened to Jay Bowen, Carla Ardell, Matt Hasbrook and hundreds of other dedicated colleagues who have made it their life’s mission to help and support the retirement needs of clients and their employees.

That day in March started with elbow bumps and putting faces to names, given our already modern, remote workforce; it quickly however evolved into the initiative to support remarkable people who work for equally remarkable organizations like Bosma Enterprises who have been tirelessly supporting ramped up production of medical supplies and safety equipment for the VA (Veteran Affairs). What’s more remarkable is that Bosma Enterprises employs people who are blind, legally blind or visually impaired. So it was, I’m told, a humbling, uplifting experience for Jay Bowen, Erin Kuck and Matt Hasbrook to be able to support their (Bosma Enterprises’) retirement education needs. As Erin puts it, she stood outside a room watching in awe the dedication with which the people she had just helped to secure their retirement, pack supplies for medical teams who are doing their level best to rein in the pandemic.

Meanwhile, in the southern part of the country Carla Ardell, Steve Wollenberger and Sergio Diaz were contemplating a different initiative. How to overcome social distancing, lock downs and still stem phone calls from distressed employees about the state of their retirement accounts. Three days, two advisor co-hosted webinars and one body of innovative, relevant content later, the client was able to contain those entirely reasonable concerned calls.

如果这些initiatives are not innovative and awe inspiring on their own, with new video technology from the Client Lab we were able to bring these heartwarming customer success stories to life. These stories were captured in real time, across geographies and with people whose experiences would otherwise be left in oblivion. Thanks to our Reality VoiceSMPlatform with its MROC type integrated systems licensed from iTracks and heavily adapted for the Lab, we were able to capture live moments of truth from the comfort of home. What’s more, people could provide commentary with no loss of productivity right from their mobile devices on their own time, allowing for convenience and more authentic responses.

These stories are testament to how customer success knows no disabilities and can be born from sheer grit, the commitment to bring joy (inspired by Rich) and with a little help from an agile, innovative video technology platform, courtesy the Lab.

To learn more, tune into my presentation duringTMRE Digital Week on June 22nd.Register here!

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