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As ship traffic through the polar regions increases, these erstwhile wildernesses are becoming ever more important to the global economy. This is particularly true of the Canadian Arctic, where the volume of ship traffic has increased almost threefold over the last quarter century,according to a recent study.

But there are significant barriers that continue to hinder economic expansion in the polar regions. Among these is the absence of good telecommunications solutions available to vessel operators, researchers and others working in the high northern and low southern latitudes.

在我们越来越多的互联世界中,数据在现代经济的几乎每个方面都在现代经济的各个方面发挥作用,限制性或上述通信造成了重大成本 - 无论是失去的效率和丢失的收入。但传统的解决方案也很贵。开发固定电信基础设施以服务北极和南极可能花费数十亿美元。

也许有更好的方法。Knect365海事与Nathan Robinson发表过开普勒通讯是一个加拿大公司提出创新解决方案的公司。通过在两极的非地球静止轨道上部署众多小型鞋底型纳米替卫星,开普勒旨在提供一个连通性解决方案,该解决方案将花费比目前可用的地面和卫星通信选项的百倍耗尽。这是一个非常大的储蓄。

In our interview with Nathan, we discussed how Kepler’s technology works, what applications it is most useful for, and the future of IoT in the Arctic shipping industry.


目前,北极的最北端仅依赖于VHF / HF无线电通信和铱星卫星语音和数据服务。两者都是低频解决方案,主要用于运营或搜索和救援活动。高于65度的纬度,传统的地球静止卫星的质量恶化,其中低仰角信号可以通过树木,山脉且甚至滚动在水中堵塞。超过80度的纬度,这些卫星完全脱落。卫星数据服务的有限带宽和高价格代表了介绍我们解决方案的大量机会,这将为这些地区的客户提供经济的数据连接。我们在高带宽通信平台时,我们会看到北极目前的欠缺。此外,北极地区的广泛区域根本没有陆地连接,这就是我们的解决方案发挥作用的地方。



Kepler has a single satellite in operation today, with a second joining shortly. What we have discovered is there is value in providing data backhaul capacity today to underserved regions, which is what our Store-and-Forward service provides. It's not real-time, but instead provides a cost-efficient way to move GB's of data daily. By virtue of our polar orbit, the polar regions see the greatest number of passes of our satellite -- which means our highest level of service, at the outset, will be at the poles. The number of satellites needed to provide round-the-clock coverage depends on the latitudes you want to serve and the orbits you want to go to. For instance, a highly-elliptical orbit could offer persistent coverage of the Arctic with as little as three satellites. We are starting with a few satellites in low-earth orbit which give us the ability to deliver Store-and-Forward services, and may adapt future deployments based on where we see customer demand.


我们目前的卫星是3U立方体卫星,这意味着它的尺寸约为10 X 10 X 30厘米。它重约6公斤。与传统的地球静止卫星相比,它可能只有公共汽车那么大,重达数百公斤。我们的成本比每颗卫星低一个数量级。通常情况下,包括启动和开发在内,其金额不到50万美元。我们预计,随着新的运载火箭上线,我们在卫星上达到更好的规模经济,这一数字将下降。我们最近发布了一个关于我们的GEN1发布提供商的信息请求,因此在接下来的几周和几个月里,我们应该对谁将是我们的发布提供商有一个更清晰的了解。

Kepler’s service is designed to be used for “delay-tolerant data”. What level of delay do you expect, and what forms of data transmission would your service be most suited to?




[编者注:KU频谱是指12 - 18 GHz范围内的通信,通常用于卫星电视广播。相比之下,KA频段指的是26.5 - 40 GHz的通信。]

Kepler’s solution is 100 times cheaper than existing terrestrial and satellite connectivity. How are you able to bring costs down to this extent?



我们大多数早期的技术演示and deployments are taking place with polar shipping vessel operators. There are a few reasons for this: first, because of our polar orbit, we are providing high-bandwidth coverage where none existed previously. Second, many maritime operators already have Ku-band antennas installed, which makes adding our service relatively easy. We can repurpose existing Ku-band antennas to make use of our network so no major hardware changes are required on the ship. For anyone skeptical of the value, I'd say let's connect and take a look at your data requirements and see if we can either help you move more then you're able to today, and perhaps reduce your costs while we are at it. Our solution at the early stages has a unique value proposition and isn't applicable to all problems - we'll help you identify if it's a fit as our top priority is finding users who will benefit and will play a role in shaping future iterations of the solutions.

What stage is your polar connectivity project currently at?




To hear more about Kepler’s polar communications solution, join Nathan Robinson at the Arctic Shipping Forum North America, taking place in Newfoundland this October.


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